The State requires an independent third party professional to collect the data submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental regulation (FDEP), analyze it and process it into the FDEP re-certification format.
Each month the WWTP operator sends samples of the influent and effluent of the WWTP to a lab to determine the amount of several parameters in the waste water.
Those determinations, then are forwarded monthly by the operator to FDEP and kept as records of operation of the WWTP. The reports are called Monthly Operating Reports (MOR’s).
For clarification, ADP has listed commonly used rules during the re-certifying process:
2. There are times when waste water treatment plant remedial work is required. The FDEP will discuss this with owner and engineer and agree on a timetable to achieve compliance with FDEP rules.
3. The owner must furnish information to the engineer to complete his work. Such items as signatures, fees, waste hauler name and address, operator name and address and other identifying information as required by the FDEP formatted documents.
The photos below give an indication of the re-certifying process.